Anthophile (noun):

A person who loves flowers.

Does this describe you?

Excellent, Iet's be flower besties!

Welcome to First Roots Farm Flower CSA Collection!

Join our Flower CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and experience the beauty of seasonal blooms. Each week, enjoy a curated collection of vibrant flowers freshly picked from our fields, our CSA brings the essence of the season right into your home.

Pick your stunning blooms at our next U-Pick event!

We're always up to something on the farm!

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Date Night at First Roots Farm
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Date Night at First Roots Farm

AKKPS Registered Kunekune Piglets
Arriving Fall 2024

AKKPS Registered Kunekune Piglets

uPick Events at First Roots Farm
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uPick Events at First Roots Farm

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Spread happiness with every petal...

and every First Roots Farm gift card.